Debt collection

Debt collection from individuals in pre-trial and court proceedings

Our company’s specialists will be able to promptly collect a debt from an individual in Kyiv. We use legal methods and achieve the desired results by returning funds through court or pre-trial proceedings.


Legal debt collection in Kyiv

When the question arises of how to collect a debt in Kyiv on a receipt, on a loan, by a court decision, etc., it makes sense to use the services of professional lawyers, or rather, to contact the Right to Protection Law Firm, known for its responsible approach to work. Providing a wide range of services, including housing, inheritance, commercial disputes, etc., our company helps to solve any problems without going beyond the law.

Cooperation with us in the field of pre-trial or judicial debt collection from individuals and legal entities is the best guarantee that you will receive your money. We realistically assess the prospects of each case and, if we take it on, we do our best to succeed. Our employees are legal experts who have experience in debt recovery in Kyiv based on receipts, writ of execution, contract, etc. If there is a chance to resolve the situation without resorting to the competent authorities, we will take advantage of it, and otherwise we will make sure that the case is resolved as quickly as possible and that the result is satisfactory in all respects.


Why do you need legal assistance in debt collection from a debtor?

Many residents of the capital prefer to solve the problem of debt collection, as well as most family and labor disputes, on their own, especially if the amount is insignificant and the debtor is trusted. However, it is precisely because of an unprofessional approach that the creditor risks losing his money, even if a receipt or agreement has been drawn up.

The fact is that there are many ways to repay debts and a statutory procedure for seizing funds – non-specialists do not know the subtleties of influencing debtors, and it will be difficult for them to navigate if the case goes to court. On the other hand, if you have a debt collection lawyer on your side, then regardless of whether the issue is resolved in court or pre-trial, the chances of winning are extremely high. By engaging an expert, you can achieve several goals at once, namely

– to analyze the circumstances and documents in detail – the easiest way to repay debts in Kyiv is to use a receipt or a loan agreement, although without them, if you have a competent lawyer, there is a chance of satisfying material claims;

– to determine the tactics of actions and develop an action plan as soon as possible to return a particular amount – depending on the circumstances, it will be possible to make certain adjustments to it;

– to prevent accusations of illegal seizure of property or other illegal actions aimed at enforcing debt collection.


Only at first glance it seems that it is easy to get back the money lent, but in practice, debtors often use all sorts of tricks to avoid payments, so you cannot do without a legal expert in this situation. Moreover, it is he or she who will take care of the numerous formalities that will arise even if you manage to get a receipt for debt repayment without filing a lawsuit.

What debts can be recovered with the help of a lawyer?

The process of providing legal services for debt collection includes a wide range of activities, from initial counseling and assessment of prospects to monitoring the execution of a court decision. The degree of complexity and the chances of a successful settlement of the relationship between the debtor and the creditor depend on the specifics of the debt obligations.

First of all, debt repayment may be demanded from individuals or legal entities, as well as from individual entrepreneurs. In the first case, as a rule, it is a matter of repayment of debts under receipts, and the amounts are usually quite small. If the claims arise against a mortgage borrower or a company, they are most often commercial debts, such as unpaid goods or unpaid part of the profit. In addition, to resolve the conflict, it is important to determine the type of debt and know all the circumstances of the loan.

The main parameters by which debts are usually classified are:

– payment terms;

– grounds for debt obligations;

– composition of the parties to the case;

– specifics of the nature of the debt – debts can be disputed, requiring restructuring, etc.

A competent lawyer will quickly determine what kind of debt obligation he or she is dealing with and advise on the most appropriate course of action – whether to seek a court decision to recover the debt or try to get the money without going to state authorities. By the way, debt recovery through the courts sometimes seems more appropriate, for example, if the property being recovered loses its value by the time the proceedings are over. On the other hand, it is unwise to file a claim for debt collection if you want to maintain business relations with the debtor in the future.


What services do debt collection lawyers offer?

Among the most common methods of protecting property rights are the following: recovery of debts of individuals and legal entities under a contract, through the courts, using economic methods, as well as with the help of collectors and law enforcement agencies. The first two options are much more preferable, as they allow you to solve the problem quickly enough and without the need to interact with intermediaries. By contacting the lawyers of our company, you can be sure that debt collection will be successful, as our specialists will take care of

– conducting a legal assessment of the situation

– development of an action plan for the return of funds;

– clarifying all the circumstances of the case;

– representation of interests in courts of various instances;

– advising and negotiating on pre-trial settlement of the conflict;

– preparation and review of procedural documentation;

– organizing expert examinations and drafting settlement agreements.